Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The first time I read Othello was freshman year in high school, which was roughly four years ago. Having already read it, I know what is going to happen but this is true for most of Shakespeare's plays. People know that in a tragedy, everyone will die. Othello of course is no exception. It is interesting to have read it before and to recall everything while I am rereading the text. Even in the first Act Iago's sneakiness is apparent. I certainly do not want to give anything away, but it is interesting to see that Shakespeare immediately gives us the key features for each character. Motives are put on the table for why Othello would not be liked by all, and these motives are more important thus far for the central characters to dislike him rather than is race. Racism was something that existed during this time, but it is interesting to see how here a black man or Moor as the text states could come to a military position of power while in our own country hundreds of years later this would have been unheard of. But the issue of interracial couples not being accepted is still prevalent even if some would choose to ignore it.

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